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[ASP语法] Replace() 替换变量或者字符串中的某字符 - 文章首页返回版区
■标题:[ASP语法] Replace() 替换变量或者字符串中的某字符
■作者:IPSC [2005/12/12 8:59:44]

功能(英): Returns a string in which a specified sub-string has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
功能(中):替换变量或者字符串(strToBeSearched)中特定的字符(strSearchFor)为指定的字符(strReplaceWith ),甚至可以设置从第几个(start )出现的开始替换,共替换多少个(count )。
语法: Replace(strToBeSearched, strSearchFor, strReplaceWith , start , count , compare)
条件(英): strToBeSearched is a string expression containing a sub-string to be replaced; strSearchFor is the string expression to search for within strToBeSearched; strReplaceWith is the string expression to replace sub-string strSearchFor; start (optional) is the numeric character position to begin search; count (optional) is a value indicating the comparision constant.(看不懂的看例子即可理解)
例子: <%
  strTest = "This is an apple!"
  response.write Replace(strTest, "apple", "orange")
运行结果: This is an orange!



[此帖子已被 IPSC 在 2005-12-12 9:01:14 编辑过]


■作者:IPSC [2006/1/8 12:11:51]

■作者:cnpoet [2006/1/6 14:42:16]
不知道如果要在.NET中实现   从第几个出现的开始替换   应该怎么做.

■作者:cnpoet [2006/1/6 14:35:44]

比较了一下,ASP中 设置从第几个出现的开始替换,但在.NET中,这个 start 却不是指第几个出现,而是指 指定字符串的第几个字符!


Dim test="01-My love is Nongnong-02-My love is Nongnong-03-My love is Nongnong-04-My love is Nongnong-05-My love is Nongnong-06-My love is Nongnong"


love is Pet-02-My love is Pet-03-My love is Pet-04-My love is Nongnong-05-My love is Nongnong-06-My love is Nongnong

<%Dim test="01-My love is Nongnong-02-My love is Nongnong-03-My love is Nongnong-04-My love is Nongnong-05-My love is Nongnong-06-My love is Nongnong"response.write(Replace(test,"Nongnong","Pet",6,3))%>


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